Investing in Principle
Beay - Buy a project out right or invest in a project via shares.
What the buyer receive - Buyer receive a package containing intellectual
property, intellectual work up to date, and project ramifications.
Each project contains unique parts that are disclosed to the potential
Contracts for the projects - Each project contains a contract that
the buyers agrees to in order to purchase the project. This contract
ensures that the buyer receives the intellectual property rights
and shares in the project. Each contract is negotiable and is discussed
in detailed with the buyer. Contract contain contingencies.
Buy now option - The buy now options ensures that the buyer has
secured shares in the project under the title of First Buyer. In
order to buy interests in a project, specify the project name in
the field below and then enter the First Buyer price.
You can send payment to secure your First Buyer option and contact
us to finalize the sale of the project. |