Category   Project Project Code Summary Selling Price Projected Earnings    
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  Kids Looping Ring Toss LRT2 Rivalling Looping Luis game that sold over 35 million units $10000 US $1.2 Billion US
    Ice Cream Coney ICC24 Cup cake dream world where café food comes alive and becomes an adventure. $10000 US $1.5 Billion US
    Block Heads BH83 Similar to mind craft with a modern twist $10000 US $1.3 Billion US
    Escape Card Games 3DCA2 Escape game with cards and a timer for the entire family $10000 US $26 Million US
    Build Craft BC6 Trivia knowledge game by crafting structures $10000 US $12 Billion US
    Martian Casey MA3 Martians escape to Earth and find a friend in Casey and her magical wand $10000 US $2 Billion US
    K-9 A K9A2 Dogs with guns and badges stopping crime $10000 US $16 Billion US
    Water Works WWL72   $10000 US $31 Million US
    Bonkers BO4 Social game where you match pictures to a defining word $10000 US $8 Million US
    GoldTribute GT37 A Hearthstone rival game that generates billions in subscription $10000 US $19 Billion US
    Babylon Entertainment BE5 Subscription management platform for subscribers. Cross program access through a subscription package. $10000 US $22 Billion US
    Hypon Electrics HE36 Management of energy products to optimize share holdings.

$70000 US

$132 Trillion US
    Hypon Storage HS4 Management of stored energy and warehousing of energy $70000 US $12 Trillion US
    Flexi Point FP3   $10000 US $2 Billion US
    Sharper Better SB2   $10000 US $1 Billion US
    Drainage Drop DD8   $10000 US $44 Billion US
    Hair Supreme HS5   $10000 US $2 Billion US
    Cake Bake CB2   $10000 US $180 Million US
    Elo Balance EB2   $10000 US $7 Billion US
    Care Take Cream CTC7   $10000 US $21 Billion US
Coffee Yum CY38 $10000 US $62 Million US
    ReGen OP RO4   $10000 US $3 Billion US
    Tiger Liloop TL1   $10000 US $13 Million US
    Amasolt AMA2 Optimizing Amazon distribution centres with modern holsters for existing laser barcode scanners. Interest in product has been shown with initial offer $20000 US $15 Billion
    UniOpsup Construction Tech UOCT1 Underground habitat construction and clearing for commercial, residential and military. $80000 US $53 Trillion
    Hygronic HYG26 Estirgen detection $50000 US $12 Billion
    Psychology for the modern mind BE-PSY902   $10000 US $1.2 Million
  Fiction Books          
    Star Wars - A never end: series BF-SW6 Licensed title $10000 US $24 Billion
    Frozen Realm BF-FR38   $10000 US $3 Billion
  Academic Science          
    Laws of nature series A SE-LNSA484   $10000 US $50 Billion
    Laws of nature series B SE-LNSB484   $10000 US $50 Billion
  Life Style          
    Life Styles of the righteous BE-LS20192   $10000 US *
  Subversive Transport          
    uniGround Transport UGT54 Underground transport for transport industry. Monopolizing underground transport between major cities. Creating subversive expeditive transport between China and the USA $50000 US $48 Trillion
  Vehicles Shere Motors VSM2 Improved auto parts for electric and energy vehicles $50000 US $2 Trillion
    Shere Batteries VSB3 Improved batteries made from materials from unconventional resources $50000 US $1 Trillion
    Shere Levitation VSL5 Flying vehicles industry for the next level of auto superiority. $50000 US $79 Trillion
  Space Bridge          
Lunar Ex Launch SSBLEL26 An Earthbound launch ramp capable of sending 800 metric tons into space yearly. Uses magnetic homiance to propel payload with a vacuum chamber extended to Earths outer orbit. $150000 US $142 Trillion
  Lunar Mining          
    Shere Lunar Mining SLMSLM3 Mining operations on the Moon, Mars and Earth conducted with lunar mining robots and automations $150000 US $51 Trillion
  Lunar Transformation          
    Shere Terraforming SLTST2 Advance robotics designed to transform landscapes $150000 US $21 Trillion
  Lunar Transportation          
    TransLunar  Motion SLTTM394 Constructing efficient transportation engines and ships for deploying living and static resources $150000 US $61 Trillion
    RetsilFriendly S-PRF3 Cross product access $10000 US  
    Rumsdeen S-PRM4 Exclusivity platform $10000 US  
    EmShop Distribution S-PED5 Food safety insurance listing $10000 US $50 Million
    DioBonGra S-MDB3 Prescription drugs made available to the consumer through a courier service that sources the product from various countries $10000 US $12 Trillion
    EduPhonix S-EE2 Accelerated learning using human stimuli. Improved educational services through a reputable institution that is subsidized by industry $10000 US Stage 1: $500k
Stage 2: $28 Billion
UbiLoan S-FUB3 Micro Loaning from one private donor. Donors become a micro credit card service collecting high interest rates. $10000 US $31 Billion
    CryptoBuis S-FCR2 Allowing crypto currency to be used without tracking the source. $10000 US $2 Trillion
  Forrest Industry          
    TreDesi A-FIT3 Acquiring and cultivating unaeritable land for the production of forests and lumber. $50000 US $41 Trillion
    HarvestGop A-FIH4 Transforming live stock processing for the modern world. $50000 US *
    Dondonate A-FDD3 Food productions for the first world. Food distribution centres designed for modern convenience. People loving products $60000 US $120 Trillion
    Harvest Bakery and café A-FHB63 High end bakery and café chain with propriety products. Products sourced from human stimuli studies $60000 US $2 Billion